Forests are critical not only to the survival of all species, human and
otherwise, but for the very survival of the planet. Yet we are losing
forests to deforestation and climate change-induced wildfires every year at unprecedented scale
When a tree is burnt or cut down, not only does it lose its carbon storage
potential, the carbon it stores gets released into the atmosphere. We are
turing one of the best tools we have in our arsenal to fight climate
change into climate change exacerbators.
Deforestation and land degradation is also devastating the livehoods of
rural and tribal communities.
Mission and Vision
Farmers for Forests is on a quest to protect and increase India’s
biodiverse forest cover in close partnership with rural communities
biodiverse forest cover in close partnership with rural communities

Combat impact of climate
change on environmental
and human well-being by
increasing India’s natural
and biodiverse forest cover
change on environmental
and human well-being by
increasing India’s natural
and biodiverse forest cover

Incentivize farmers to
protect exiting and grow
new forests on barren land
to improve local ecology
and generate income
protect exiting and grow
new forests on barren land
to improve local ecology
and generate income
Increase India’s forest cover
through afforestation and reforestation programs to
contribute to India’s Paris
Agreement target of creating
2.5-3 billion tonnes equivalent
carbon sink by 2030
Agreement target of creating
2.5-3 billion tonnes equivalent
carbon sink by 2030
Prevent deforestation
by compensating farmers to
protect existing forest cover
protect existing forest cover
Develop environmental stewardship
by encouraging increased
participation of local
communities and farmers in
environmental protection
participation of local
communities and farmers in
environmental protection
Build a knowledge base
on the payments for ecosystem
services model to advance
forest-driven climate change
mitigation programs and policies
services model to advance
forest-driven climate change
mitigation programs and policies